Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Day 10 of experiential learning - Library Systems ( WorldShare)

Day 10/12 

My day started off at 09:00 in the Auditorium, Merenksy Library, University of Pretoria . Today’s session was exciting as we attended a presentation session whereby we were given smarties for answering quiz questions , of which I received two . The presentation session was presented by Mrs Margrierite Nel whom is the head of Library technical services . Mrs Nel introduces her two colleagues Ames Carin Bezuidenhout and Mr. Maritz Lisser Who will both be assisting her with the presentation session. 

Mrs Nel firstly asked us Who we are through the Menrite Application , as well as how we are feeling today , in order for her to know exactly how to handle us during the presentation session . Following , she defined WorldShare as a Library management system , a system that organizes information concerning the library . She then had us watch a video which explained the vision behind “ A library without Books “ . Following she mentioned challenges within maintaining a library and this includes : Library space , collections , technology, user needs , library services and continually changing stuff roles . 

Mrs Nel then showed us two videos of two amazing Library’s , that  being the Hut Library at North Carolina state University and second Odegaard university of Washington . The two library’s are 21st century library’s as they’re interior design is a whole lot different from the usual, so called “ Library “ . Mrs Nel let us into a secret , saying that the University is Pretoria might be planing a 5 year plan on creating a new or renovating the library to look like either the Hut library or Odegaard as per the Vice chancellors approval . 

Mrs Nel handed over to Mr Lisser Who explained collections as the heart of the library . He explained that collections are based on three things , namely : the User needs , Technology and budget . He further explained that the are collection developments policies that need to be established . Mr Lisser explained Traditional collections which is access to physical collections for explain , card catalogue . He further explained challenges with the Tradition collections , these include : the fact that users want physical space and the need to preserve non- print materials amongst others . He further explained Access over ownership by mentioning the use of Interlibrary loans and explained benefits and challenges . 

Mr. Lisser explained  that the are ways to address Challenges faced with tradition collections , these include the use of Off site storage as means to create space , institutional repository’s and collection evaluations. Mr. Lisser then gave Mrs Bezuidenhout a plate form to explain the Background of the development of Library management systems . Mrs Bezuidenhout explained pre- computing , which is a timeline from 1960’s, the beginning of computers, to 18 April 2016 where University of Pretoria launched the Library management system using WorldShare which is the foundation for Worldcat, the worlds largest bibliographic database . The session ended with all three Presenters taking turns to explain in depth the WorldShare applications which include : Analytics , license polity , record management , acquisition to name a few . 
Our day was really short and sweet . Literally , sweet . 

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