Day 3/12
My day started of at 09;00 o clock in the morning whereby we arrived at Training room 1 in the Merensky Library, at the University of Pretoria. We were welcomed into the session by Mrs Carika Schoeman who is a System analyst within the Library. Mrs Schoeman introduced us to the Topic 'Social Media' which includes the use of Twitter, Facebook etc. Mrs Shoeman firstly defined Social Media as any website or site service that utilize a social or web 2.0 philosophy, blogs, social networks etc. According to Mrs Shoeman the term 'Social Media' is an evolving term as internet usage will never demolish within the coming years instead more and more social media plate forms will be created. Before getting into the discussion Mrs. Shoeman had us watching a short clip titled ' The Circle' which feature actor Tom Hanks, she then mentioned four common Features of Social Media inclusive to:
- Social Media being web 2.0 internet based applications.
- User generated content being the lifeblood of the social media organism
- Users create service specific profiles for specific plate forms
- Social media facilitates the development of online social networks.
Mrs Shoeman then went into discussing about the Global Internet usage by showing different graphs inclusive to worldwide access to the internet,social media penetration by region,Average account of social accounts per person and individual use of social media for work and within these statics Southern Africa is regarded as having 51% total access to the internet, whereby South Africans spend an average of 8 hours and 42 minutes on the internet daily as compared to the USA, whereby, citizens spend 6 hours and 31 minutes on the Internet, further statistics suggest that 38% of the Southern Africa region combined with Bostwana's statistics accounts for 38%, South Africans spending 2 hours and 48 Minutes on the internet per region. Statistics also suggests that 8,5% of people within South Africa own a social media account and that 35% of these people use social media for work purposes.
Mrs Shoeman then further got into discussion on Social media functionality vs Implications of the Functionality within the topic she discussed Presence, sharing,conversation,identity,groups,reputation and relationships. Immediately after the discussion Mrs Shoeman had us watch a clip about social media by Brain solis ,whereby, he talks about the impact of Social media on human population, stating that we have become introverts because we constantly interacts on our phones instead of face to face. Immediately after our 10 minutes break Mrs Shoeman explained that social media has more to do with being social than it is media by looking at the Conversation prism which has three layers, the first being the center of the prism which is human beings, as they are the one's that use the plate form to interact and exchange information and are in control of how they use the social media to their benefits . The second layer focusing on how human being engage within social media and the third prism focusing on the community, brand and persona.
Mrs Shoeman then went into a discussion about Fcaebook, a social media plate form. She mentioned interesting facts about it, this includes the fact that Facebook which was created by Mark Zuckerburg in 2005 and that the application took 2 years to be launched internationally. Mrs shoeman then showed us how to login into facebook and showed us means of protecting ourselves from hackers through privacy settings. Mrs Shoeman then spoke about Google plus as a social media plate form and mentioned that it is similar to facebook ,however the difference lies in Google plus offering a video call function unlike facebook. She further spoke about twitter which is similar to Blogger as it is a plate form for short text messaging, however, many people use if for following to stay informed about what is currently happening around the world. She further explained tumblr which gives the user the capability to customise things. Mrs Shoeman then spoke in depth about other social media plate forms including Reverbnation, Flixter,Wikipedia and Reddit,linkedin, foursquare, Pinterest, YouTube,, SlideShare,MeetUp,Instagram, ,Flicker,snapchat,Delicious, WhatsaApp,Skype, WeChat,Strava,Waze, about.Me,Strava and Zwift.
Mrs Shoeman concluded todays session with a short clip by Penny Wilson about insight on where the human evolution is headed with Social Media.