Monday, 29 July 2019

Day 12/12 of experiential learning - Makerspace/VRE

Image result for makerspace university of pretoria

On the last day of the experiential learning, we arrived in the makerspace inside the Merensky library, University of Pretoria at 09:00. When we got there and we were welcomed into the session by Sean the Makerspace Coordinator who introduced the topic "Industry 4.0". Sean explained Industry 4.0 as changing the way we emerge with one another and gave Libby, the Robot in the Library as a great example to this, he also mentioned that the use of  Artificial Intelligence and  IOT Techology is apart of the Industry 4.0. He also explained that a Makerspace exposes people to the technology that they going to use in the future this includes the 3D printer, 3D scanner, Sean metioned that it drives across disciplinary research however, the are problems associated with this, and these problems include:

  • Support from Academic departments
  • Availability of certain services 
  • Certain resource restrictions
to mention a few. He also explained that the use of 3D scans is to create 3D objects and named types of 3D Printers and these include:

  • SLA
  • DLP
  • BJ
  • MJ
to mention a few, and he also listed 3D printing materials of which include : ABS and PLA amongst others which are used in the University of Pretoria. After the Theory aspect of the session, Sean asked if there were any questions and the weren't any so he further gave us an assignment where he divided us into groups , where the were 5 people in a group, he further gave us instructions to create a innovative space to showcase an innovation hub, and in doing this explain why we did it, what matrices  we needed, the services we offer , who the client is and what kind of resources we need.  Sean gave us 30 minutes to brainstorm this and then do a presentation there after, In my group we decided to create a Robotics and Artificial intelligence innovation hub, where our main focus was providing service  to both organisations and academic institution in the form of robotic materials, our innovation hub plans included getting funds from both organisations and academic institutions by being a supplier to organisations and being a museum to academic institutions where they will come to the innovation hub to witness robotics and artificial intelligence. Immediately after the discussion stage of planning our innovation hubs we had to present and immediately after every group presented we had a Lunch break and in returning we went to Training room 1, University of Pretoria for a session with Isak.

When we got to the Training room, Isak introduced us to the topic VRE. Isak explained VRE as an online system that helps researchers collaborate, he also explained that it assists in supporting the research life cycle. Isak further showed us a Presentation by Dr. Heila Pienaar about e- search applications, the day ended with us using OSF- Open Science Framework as a plateform to capture of different aspects and products of the research lifecycle, including developing a research idea, designing a study, storing and analyzing collected data, and writing and publishing reports or papers.

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Day 11 of Experiential learning - RDM

Day 11/12

My morning started off at 09:00 in the Blue Lab,  Informatoruim, University of Pretoria where we were welcomed and greeted into the session by Dr. Martie van Deventer who introduced the topic Research data management to us. Mrs Van Deventer firstly shared a link with us through clickup, where we found activities for the day. She began the session by explaining that research data is considered property of the University that is generated through proprietary format that can go extinct. Mrs Van Deventer then asked us to create a word file where we are continuously going to write down words that are knew to us and began writing down what research data, research data management and naming convention is, following we had to create an excel file where we began word for the day .


Mrs Van Deventer took 10 minutes explaining to us how to use Excel and had us using naming conventions as means to save our work, before the tea break, she asked us to create an account on DMP online.After the tea break Mrs Van Deventer had a presentation session on the Theory aspect of RDM, this includes explanation on the UP data management policy as a law and the UP data management procedure as linked to the policy and gives indications on how to do things. She further explained  the Generic research process also known as the Research cycle,as means to understand the research work flow in which all projects have to go through all the stages , It all starts at the literature review (existing data) and 75% of the time is spent  on Scientific workflow and end off after the stage of dissemination and artifacts. She further discussed some of the reasons as to why we manage data, and some of the reasons include:
  • To meet publisher requirements
  • To compile with practices conducted in industry and commerce 
  • To save time and resources in the long run
  • To increase research efficiency

Mrs also highlighted on the force field analysis of RDM and some of these include: Compliance, Open Access, Data preservation and academic culture among others. She further showed us a video and then write a test afterwords to test our understanding of the video. The Video included information om what is Data research, the difference between a Primary and secondary data, information about datasets, information on metadata etc. After the test Mrs van Deventer had us debating as to where RDM fits in within the library and according to Academics the four categories were established , those being, Cataloguing, Institutional Repositories, Records Management and knowledgement. Mrs Van Deventer then explained the Data life cylce and what Librarians should do, and that is gain acess to disciplinary traiaining , resource and custom made advice among other things. Mrs Van Deventer then went into depth about Metadata, explaining the types of metadata, including Descriptive, structural and administrative metadata, as well as explaining anonymisation, digital preservation,primary and secondary data, and data citation. Immediately after the presentation Mrs Van Deventer had us watch a video where we had to identify errors about the video and write them down. Then we went for an hours break, and coming back from break, we started with practical work with data files, where we had to be in pairs and look through a thesis and say whether the information in should be preserved or not and the answer was yes because the information is not sensitive in any way. We further looked into Qualitative and Quantitative Data representations. In concluding todays session we were paired in groups to do research on either Health service, droughts or housing for the poor, and we searched information on and use the DMP on how the data will be managed 

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Day 10 of experiential learning - Library Systems ( WorldShare)

Day 10/12 

My day started off at 09:00 in the Auditorium, Merenksy Library, University of Pretoria . Today’s session was exciting as we attended a presentation session whereby we were given smarties for answering quiz questions , of which I received two . The presentation session was presented by Mrs Margrierite Nel whom is the head of Library technical services . Mrs Nel introduces her two colleagues Ames Carin Bezuidenhout and Mr. Maritz Lisser Who will both be assisting her with the presentation session. 

Mrs Nel firstly asked us Who we are through the Menrite Application , as well as how we are feeling today , in order for her to know exactly how to handle us during the presentation session . Following , she defined WorldShare as a Library management system , a system that organizes information concerning the library . She then had us watch a video which explained the vision behind “ A library without Books “ . Following she mentioned challenges within maintaining a library and this includes : Library space , collections , technology, user needs , library services and continually changing stuff roles . 

Mrs Nel then showed us two videos of two amazing Library’s , that  being the Hut Library at North Carolina state University and second Odegaard university of Washington . The two library’s are 21st century library’s as they’re interior design is a whole lot different from the usual, so called “ Library “ . Mrs Nel let us into a secret , saying that the University is Pretoria might be planing a 5 year plan on creating a new or renovating the library to look like either the Hut library or Odegaard as per the Vice chancellors approval . 

Mrs Nel handed over to Mr Lisser Who explained collections as the heart of the library . He explained that collections are based on three things , namely : the User needs , Technology and budget . He further explained that the are collection developments policies that need to be established . Mr Lisser explained Traditional collections which is access to physical collections for explain , card catalogue . He further explained challenges with the Tradition collections , these include : the fact that users want physical space and the need to preserve non- print materials amongst others . He further explained Access over ownership by mentioning the use of Interlibrary loans and explained benefits and challenges . 

Mr. Lisser explained  that the are ways to address Challenges faced with tradition collections , these include the use of Off site storage as means to create space , institutional repository’s and collection evaluations. Mr. Lisser then gave Mrs Bezuidenhout a plate form to explain the Background of the development of Library management systems . Mrs Bezuidenhout explained pre- computing , which is a timeline from 1960’s, the beginning of computers, to 18 April 2016 where University of Pretoria launched the Library management system using WorldShare which is the foundation for Worldcat, the worlds largest bibliographic database . The session ended with all three Presenters taking turns to explain in depth the WorldShare applications which include : Analytics , license polity , record management , acquisition to name a few . 
Our day was really short and sweet . Literally , sweet . 

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Day 8 of Experiential Learning - Library databases and tools

Day 9/12

My day started off at 09:00 in Training room 1, Mernesky Library, University of Pretoria where Mrs Bulelwa Manduba welcomed us into the session Library databases and Tools, where she introduced us to her 4 colleagues including Mrs Suzy Nyakale. She further explained how the program of the day will be ran. Mrs Manduba began the session by explaining the information specialists responsibilities which include the following: Duties to handle enquiries,Locate information on behalf of a client, Conduct group training on behalf of the client,conduct group training on electronic resources,Guide on making interlending requests,Training on EndNote,Purchase books and standards and Biomatrics. Mrs Manduba further discussed the Key performance area's which are referred to as Key result area's within Organisations and these include: Part Client relations management, Marketing Library products through Social Media plate forms, Professional Development through improvement on subject knowledge, Project Participation among other things, Mrs Manduba then gave Mrs Suzy Nykale a plate form to present to us.

Mrs Nyakale  presented the Role of Information specialists in research through explaining LIASA, which is the Library and Information Association of South Africa which was launched in the University of Pretoria in 1997, Mrs Nyakale explained that the Association is located as branches within all provinces , whereby , in Gauteng the are two branches , the Gauteng North and Gauteng South . Mrs Nyakale explained the purpose of the Organisation to be , to monitor the profession , regulate it according to the rules and regulations, to Provide structure and direction and lastly to help professionals remain current in the field . She explained that the are a lot of benefits to being a member , that being : members are kept informed on current events in the field, they are able to understand the body of knowledge, networking , publications etc .  Mrs Nyakale further explained the responsibilities in a professional organization which includes to pay dues , vote , participate to make a few . She concluded her presentation by saying we as students should apply for LIASA and love our customers and give them the best user experience in our field of work .

After the Mrs Nyakale’s presentation we went for a 30 minutes break , returning we were divided into 4 groups of 6 where we had to work together in groups in performing different tasks , in my group we had an activity on Research support where we worked with Biometrics which is the measurements of research output . My team and I did an activity that evolved using scopes and Google schoolar as databases, on both platforms we had to check where two Auothers , Corrine Sanders and De Wet Swanerpoel had an H- index score and what it was based on the two databases , we also checked for accredited journals and used ORCID as a plate form to check visibility.

After the session of working toegether as a group on the activity , we were given an hours break , in returning we had to do a presentation based on what we have learnt throughout the day . The day concluded with all for groups presenting what they had learnt throughout the day .

Friday, 5 July 2019

Day 5 of Experiential learning - Digital scholarship centre

Day 5/12

Image result for Data Scholarship

My day started off at 09:00 in the Blue Lab, Informatorium, University of Pretoria where we were welcomed into the session Digital scholarship by Mr. Isak Van der Walt . Mr. Isak firstly discussed the Association of Research Library report perspective on the 19 Activities where 84% of the activities are expected from the Library, one of the activities include Data Visualization, which is metadata creation,consultation etc. Mr. Isak further showed us graphical representations of the use of 3D modeling and 3D printing  used for Facial construction etc. to enhance one's learning experience. He also mentioned Artificial Intelligence as important for research and that the University of Pretoria as an SDG , Sustainable develop Goal, situated within the University of Pretoria to make access to research more accessible to the information seeker, for example: When the Government requires an article, going through 500 pages to retrieve specific information is not an option,therefore, the University has come up with a process whereby, a repository using Python can summaries a short text of an article based on what the information seeker requested.

Mr. Isak secondly discussed that the Makerspace ,3D modeling and 3D printing  can be used to store original objects for preservation purposes and that it can scan objects in color, He also mentioned that the viewer can look at the Object at any time and location, they can modify and collaborate on it without damaging it. Thirdly Mr. Isak got into discussion about Data visualization which he defined as the library's digitization kit , within the University of Pretoria, it is situated in the Auditoruim. Mr. Isak mentioned that the University of Cape Town has a fixed one which cost them R6000 to make. He discussed the Kit as a computer that ram 4-6 projectors at the same time where different types of feeds on all screens . He then explained Data exhibition as a combination of Data visualization and data modeling. Mr. Isak then showed us a Robot by the Springs which they had created through collaboration with the University of Pretoria, as a robot that picks up boxes in a warehouse. He then showed us a Mosquito feeder which is manufactured in the Uk, which is R1000 to import, but was reconstructed through 3D printing and made as cheap as R30.

Mr. Isak further got into a topic, Future Role of Library support for Digital scholarship, he mentioned that it is in visioned as a space physical - virtual to become the lab not only the humanities but all scholarship and research. He then mentioned two centers that compliment each other, these are Physical and Virtual centers, where Physical centers offer access to consultation and Virtual centers being a connector to the physical center. Mr. Isak also mentioned challenges and resolutions to the challenges regarding centers and these challenges include, Digital literacy profiling, Stuff capacity, Infrastructure and space to host physical DS centers. Before our Tea Break, Mr Isak mentioned Carp entries and that the are fundamental courses for free about how to use , work and visualize data .
After the Tea break Mr. Isak had us do an Activity on Data Cleaning on Open refine. The steps we took on the plate form Open Refine include: Mass editing, structuring data set , transforming cell, matching , fetching URL's and reconciliation services and that is how our day concluded.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Day 4 of Experiential Learning - Digitization

Image result for digitization

Day 4/12

 My day started off at 09:00 where we arrived at Training room 1 in the Merensky Library, University of Pretoria. We were welcomed into the session by Mrs Lidia Swart who introduced us to the topic of the day which is Digitization. She then introduced us to three of her assistance which will be helping us throughout the session. Mrs Swart then got into the session by defining the term digitization as True colour scamming for preservation and not just desktop scanning or scanning directly to PDF, she further discussed the purpose of Digitization as means to facilitate access and to support current business purposes. According to Mrs Swart the cost of digitization is expensive depending on how costly digitization equipment is, this includes the scanner and other systems. Mrs Swart further got into depth about the workflow of digitization which includes : to Identify a project,selection criteria,copyright,basic preservation on physical material,scanning,file formats,manipulation,web ready and submit or hand over. Mrs Swart then mentioned other factors about Digitization which include: Matters of Reduction and Measuring of books for printing , she then concluded her presentation by saying that digitization is too expensive to think of it as a short term period she then lead us to Level 2 of the Library where the digitization office is.

Mrs Swart and her three assistance then lead us to the digitization office where they showed us three machines that they use, these include the Internet Archive which is a machine that consists of two cannon camera's which scans 500 pages in a book within an hour, after scanning the machine gets into a republishing process where images are then captured. interesting facts about this machine include the fact that it has 7 or more file formats including daisy and pdf and it takes 24 hours to go online after republishing. We then saw two other machines, the Azero machine which takes 3 minutes to scan a single page and the Macro fish scanner. Immediately after visiting the digitization office, we had a 10 minutes break then launched into GIMP application where we did some editing .

Image result for gimp

The GIMP application is an interesting plate form to work on, through it we where taught on how to edit a scanned page of a book . We took the following steps to do it on 4 pages before lunch:

  • Check if the page is straight by using a ruler
  • Go to the layer section and choose Arbitrary rotation to rotate the image, so to make it easier to work on. 
  • Go to tools then click on Transform to select the crop option so to crop the scanned page to a suitable size. 
  • Go to Image and select mode and then grey scale to change the back group of the page.
  • Select the Rectangle on the tool bar to edit the back group through pressing delete on the key board.
  • Change the canvas size through selecting the option Image.
  • Go to Image to flatten the image 
  • Go to Colors to change the color levels
  • then lastly export the edited scanned page as a form of saving it .
Scanned Page before editing on GIMP

Scanned Page After editing on GIMP

Immediately after Lunch Mrs Swart showed us a 3D scanner named the Iscan Pro and explained to us  how it works practically and then Mrs Swart concluded today's session by having us combine all the scanned pages we have edited by using Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Day 3 of Experiential Learning - Social Media

Day 3/12

My day started of at 09;00 o clock in the morning whereby we arrived at Training room 1 in the Merensky Library, at the University of Pretoria. We were welcomed into the session by Mrs Carika Schoeman who is a System analyst within the Library. Mrs Schoeman introduced us to the Topic 'Social Media' which includes the use of Twitter, Facebook etc. Mrs Shoeman firstly defined Social Media as any website or site service that utilize a social or web 2.0 philosophy, blogs, social networks etc. According to Mrs Shoeman the term 'Social Media' is an evolving term as internet usage will never demolish within the coming years instead more and more social media plate forms will be created. Before getting into the discussion Mrs. Shoeman had us watching a short clip titled ' The Circle' which feature actor Tom Hanks, she then mentioned four common Features of Social Media inclusive to:

  • Social Media being web 2.0 internet based applications. 
  • User generated content being the lifeblood of the social media organism 
  • Users create service specific profiles for specific plate forms
  • Social media facilitates the development of online social networks.
Mrs Shoeman then went into discussing about the Global Internet usage by showing different graphs inclusive to worldwide access to the internet,social media penetration by region,Average account of social accounts per person and individual use of social media for work and within these statics Southern Africa is regarded as having 51% total access to the internet, whereby South Africans spend an average of 8 hours and 42 minutes on the internet daily as compared to the USA, whereby, citizens spend 6 hours and 31 minutes on the Internet, further statistics suggest that 38% of the Southern Africa region combined with Bostwana's statistics accounts for 38%, South Africans spending 2 hours and 48 Minutes on the internet per region. Statistics also suggests that 8,5% of people within South Africa own a social media account and that 35% of these people use social media for work purposes.

Mrs Shoeman then further got into discussion on Social media functionality vs Implications of the Functionality within the topic she discussed Presence, sharing,conversation,identity,groups,reputation and relationships. Immediately after the discussion Mrs Shoeman had us watch a clip about social media by Brain solis ,whereby, he talks about the impact of Social media on human population, stating that we have become introverts because we constantly interacts on our phones instead of face to face. Immediately after our 10 minutes break Mrs Shoeman explained that social media has more to do with being social than it is media by looking at the Conversation prism which has three layers, the first being the  center of the prism which is human beings, as they are the one's that use the plate form to interact and exchange information and  are in control of how they use the social media to their benefits . The second layer focusing on how human being engage within social media and the third prism focusing on the community, brand and persona.

Mrs Shoeman then went into a discussion about Fcaebook, a social media plate form. She mentioned interesting facts about  it, this includes the fact that Facebook which was created by Mark Zuckerburg in 2005 and that the application took 2 years to be launched internationally. Mrs shoeman then showed us how to login into facebook and showed us means of protecting ourselves from hackers through privacy settings. Mrs Shoeman then spoke about Google plus as a social media plate form and mentioned that it is similar to  facebook ,however the difference lies in Google plus  offering a video call function unlike facebook. She further spoke about twitter which is similar to Blogger as it is a plate form for short text messaging, however, many people use if for following to stay informed about what is currently happening around the world. She further explained tumblr which gives the user the capability to customise things. Mrs Shoeman then spoke in depth about other social media plate forms including Reverbnation, Flixter,Wikipedia and Reddit,linkedin, foursquare, Pinterest, YouTube,, SlideShare,MeetUp,Instagram, ,Flicker,snapchat,Delicious, WhatsaApp,Skype, WeChat,Strava,Waze, about.Me,Strava and  Zwift.

Mrs Shoeman concluded todays session with a short clip by Penny Wilson about insight on where the human evolution is headed with Social Media.